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While you’re jamming out to tunes, these four fireside card games are certain to light up your night.

A man and a little girl are playing a game of cards.

Hanging by the fire harkens back to simpler, more intimate times. I know what you’re thinking. Intimacy? Simpler times? Yep—card games! There are plenty of styles of card games. Solo card games, group games, gambling games, discard games, and games where you build the best hands. Here are a list of four of our favorite games:

1. BS 

This great game is super simple and super fun. Best for four or five players, this game involves bluffing and lying, and not getting caught. This can be energetic, exciting, and hilarious when played with family, and the simplicity means anyone can learn almost instantly. See rules here.

2. Egyptian Ratscrew

The goal of the game is to collect the entire deck by having very fast reflexes. There are slap rules like slapjack, where players try to slap certain cards first after they’re played, but for all face cards, doubles, and other similar rules. All you need is two players to get the game going.  See rules here.

3. War

An easy game for two or three players, and another game that's super exciting and yet super simple, War consists of splitting a shuffled deck into an equal pile for each player and then dealing off the top. During each round, the player with the highest card wins the hand and collects the cards. The person who collects all cards wins. See full rules here.

4. Presidents

The goal of this game is to get rid of your cards first. Relatively simple in execution, yet always changing, this game is ridiculously fun and occasionally unfair. A must-try game for three to five players. See rules here.


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