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Relax by the fire pit and enjoy this invigorating Citrus Spritz cocktail

A pitcher of citus sprtiz is sitting on a table next to a fire pit.

You'll need:

  • 4 cups grapefruit juice
  • 2 cups orange juice
  • 2 cups pineapple juice
  • 12 oz. of something bubbly (like Champagne, Prosecco or lemon-lime soda for a mocktail version)
  • Fresh citrus slices of your choice, sliced about 1/4 inch thick

How to:

  1. In a large pitcher, combine the fruit juices.
  2. Add in the citrus slices and stir gently to combine.
  3. If you are serving right away, add in the lemon-lime soda or the Champagne and gently stir to combine.
  4. If you are making the drink in advance, you can refrigerate the pitcher of juices and citrus for up to a day.
  5. Add the soda or Champagne right before serving.
  6. Enjoy #fireside
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