On January 1, 2012, the California Civil Code Section 1714-43 went into effect. This code, also known as the California Transparency in Supply Chain Act of 2010, requires large retail sellers and manufacturers to make public their efforts to eliminate slavery and human trafficking within their supply chains. This declaration is intended to provide information necessary to assure the public that Duraflame engages in Supply Chain assessment methods of verification, audits and certifications, with the utmost respect for natural human laws.

Duraflame conducts audits of its suppliers to rule out any possibility of suppliers engaging in any illegal activity that violates the California Civil Code Section 1714-43. The company takes the issues of human trafficking and slavery very seriously, which is why every current and potential supplier is evaluated to ensure compliance with the civil code as well as company standards.

Duraflame conducts audits of suppliers when there is a reasonable suspicion that suppliers are not following the guidelines of the Supplier Contract. Any violation of U.S. law, or the domestic laws of the supplier’s nation, triggers an audit.

In accordance with the code, Duraflame proactively conducts annual audits of all suppliers. As part of the audit, Duraflame thoroughly analyzes labor practices to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not present. The audits include announced visits and are conducted using internal resources.

Duraflame requires all direct suppliers to certify that the acquisition and production of all their materials, raw or incorporated, comply with the laws of the supplier’s country or countries in which they conduct business.

Suppliers must certify that their products are in full compliance with laws regarding slavery and human trafficking.

If Duraflame suspects that any supplier is violating the code and company standards by engaging in slavery and human trafficking, we will issue a written warning of non-compliance to that supplier. If the supplier does not take action to adhere to our standards, we will conduct an audit. Depending on the results of the audit, Duraflame is prepared to terminate the relationship with that supplier if found to be in violation of the code and company standards.

Duraflame employees and management who are directly involved with supply chain procurement are responsible for identifying and mitigating supply chain risks. Duraflame ensures that these employees receive the training necessary to help them identify and prevent the risks of dealing with suppliers who do not respect and follow human trafficking and slavery laws.

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